
Annual Payment

Request: Is there any plans for an annual payment option. We are happy to pay up front for 12 months if there is cost benefit.

Submitter: Rob

Inspection Archive

Request: We now have a fairly large number of form 26’s in your system. does the system revert to a page 2 to avoid scrolling down each time. Perhaps also an auto archive capability or something like that which stores the form 26 for the legislated amount of time (5 years)

Submitter: Rob

Additional Issue/Rectifications

Request: The ability to add additional issues and rectifications.

Submitter: David

Consult in Dropdown


Could “consult” be included with current and complete in drop down. We are getting a number of purchasers wanting to know what the issues are with a barrier before they buy so they can get a quote to see what they are up for. The “consult” would only produce a Consult report but not print in a Form 26.

At a later stage, if they proceed with the purchase then the consult can be converted to a Form 26.

Submitter: Joe.

Dropdown for Regional Councils

Request: Add a dropdown for the regional council field.

Submitter: Roger.

Suggestion Box

We’d like to continue the development the product, for it to become even more useful to you, the inspectors in the field.

If you have a suggestion for a new feature or an improvement to the product, let us know in the comments area of this post. We will create a discussion point right here where your ideas can be tossed around by your peers and fleshed out for potential inclusion in a future version release.

These posts will not be visible outside the members area but will be available to all within. Of course, if you’d prefer to let us know your thoughts privately, just use the help page.