V3.1 Features


Version 3.1 was moved in to production this morning and contains the following changes: -

  • There is a new "Prospect List" menu item that allows the quick entry of future inspection prospects, without having to fill in all the usual inspection details. Prospects appear in their own tab in the Inspections page and can be converted to a live inspection just by changing the Category.
  • There is a new "Follow Up List" menu item that displays all the inspections (and prospects) that have a follow up date assigned, so that you can see at a glance what followups are due and what is coming up soon.
  • The Inspection Detail page has a new "Client" tab, enabling you to record a lot more information about the actual client, as opposed to the inspection address.
  • The "My Followup Date" field on the Inspection Detail page now contains a button that will prompt the insertion of that date in to you default calendar app.

As ever, please report any issues to Support.

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